~living this beautiful messy life~

mega update

Mega Update

  o0o So here I am – officially over 3 months unemployed!! Its time for a bit more of an in-depth run-down of what Life has been like for me for the last three months – so I’m going to break it down into sections to help me arrange my thoughts a little better… You […]

huuuge changes

huuuge changes

  o0o Its six weeks since I last posted. Six weeks since the event that changed my dear friends Life forever – in ways that I can barely begin to imagine. Its also 6 weeks in which my Life has changed – because of the hideous heartbreak my friend has had to endure… Only an […]

negative headspace

negative headspace

  o0o I feel so at odds of late. In the quiet times when I am by myself, and I am able to spend time being introspective – I can see that I am in a season of a very negative headspace – and have been unable to shift it… I teeter between feelings of […]

i broke

I broke

  o0o I broke. Plain and simple – i broke… This past fortnight – my mind just couldn’t keep itself together anymore, and i broke… I went to the Doctor back before we went to New Zealand, just for a general annual checkup; and when we were finishing up, I told him that there was […]

making friends part 2

making friends part 2

  o0o So after talking about how difficult making friends is – and how bloody rubbish I am at it – a strange thing happened the week before last… I had two ‘coffee dates’!! One Friday – one the following Monday. The one on Friday was the second time I have had coffee with this […]


    I’ve spent my “free-time Friday” this week, moving furniture around a bit within our little home. I’ve now made room for my writing desk to go into our living room space so that it will front on to the big glass doors, which means I’ll now have a lovely view of our garden […]


. I’m having a bit of a ‘comparison’ dilemma at the moment and whilst I know that comparing oneself to others is never a healthy or helpful thing – I’m just not quite sure how to get it “out of my system”… It makes it that much harder – because the person I am making […]

an update!

Its hard to fathom that its already been a month since the horror of not knowing if my Family was safe, following Hurricane Irma. It was just over 48hrs after the hurricane swept through Tortola, before we finally heard that our Nephew, his family and two small children were safe – and another agonising 36hrs […]

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