~living this beautiful messy life~

refresh rebrand overhaul



Having sat with it for a while now, as mentioned in my Stocktake Oct20 post I have been wondering whether or not to continue on with this site.

I have been unsure whether to just leave it online as a sort of ‘reference’, whether to close it entirely, whether to continue on with writing in the same vein that I have been previously; or whether to head in a completely different direction.

To be absolutely honest – I am still very much undecided.

However I have come to somewhat of a decision — of sorts…

I have decided to initially do a refresh of the look and style of SimpleLife HouseSpouse, and to rebrand the graphics for which the site has been known for, over the years – and just do a bit of a general overhaul.

I am hoping that in taking a step back and re-doing the creative visual aspects of the site – that it will either reignite my enthusiasm for this particular site – or will definitely help me decide that the time has come for me to step away; whatever that may look like…

Having been writing in this particular space for over half a decade now, I do know that I don’t want to just delete the whole thing.

At the time of writing this, there are over 130 posts on the site, and it feels like it would be a disservice to myself to trash it all.

Whilst I would definitely download an archive of the site if I chose to delete it (for posterity-sake as it were) – it still feels kind of good to come here and see / read my changes and growth over the years, and look back on particular times, remember and smile (or grimace! lol).

What I do know at this point in time is that I have at least one more post in me for this site – as there is something particular that I want to look back on from those early days, so you can expect that to show up at some point.

In the meantime, I will be here from time to tiem, hiding out in the background waiting for creative inspiration to take a hold of me and give me a good ole nudge!

Until next time… be kind to yourself,



refresh rebrand overhaul

2 thoughts on “refresh rebrand overhaul

  1. Interesting thoughts coming through Sarah. I would like to think that you would retain this site because it is where I first came across you 🙂 In fact it was mentioned in someone else’s blog as one worth reading/following. Even redesigning/rebranding might give you the lift that you’re feeling that you’re looking for.
    Just saying 🙂

    1. Hi Tess.
      Yep, I am in the midst of a refresh as I write this, but I am also in no hurry – so it will be back when it happens! lol
      It has always been a good space for me to hash out my thoughts and opinions on various things, and often the very act of doing the writing clarifies how I feel about an issue – so I think that for that reason alone its worth leaving it up, and for me to be contributing to it – as, when and if – the urge strikes. 🙂

what do you think about this post?

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